Financial Advice
Having a family can be extremely expensive and can cause extreme pressure and anxiety, especially in difficult times when unemployment is high.
Drawing up a budget
Financial experts recommend drawing up and fixing a suitable weekly or monthly budget in order to fulfil the needs of all members of the family without getting into debt. The budget should include bills as well as any mortgage or rent payments and other essential items; once these factors have been addressed, it is possible to assess the amount of money left over for any non-essential items.
Family support
There is additional financial support available for families; such payments include job seekers allowance, child tax credit and income support for working parents. There is also additional support available for lone parents and those who are unable to work because of an illness or impairment. The Government’s DirectGov website has details of all the financial support available to families.
Finding a good deal
The internet has increased our ability to compare prices between companies, which can help to save money on utility bills, as well as payments for insurance and things like internet and phone bills. It may also be useful to discuss credit cards and bank accounts with a financial advisor or consult a money expert website; this will help you to choose an account or a credit card which offers the best value and will avoid you being tricked into going with a company which you don’t know much about. Avoid signing up to a company with high interest rates; often these companies promise to solve all your debts but charge a massive interest rate of up to 50% for their services; this will work out much more expensive in the long run. If you have queries arrange an appointment at the bank or with a financial adviser.